Once a man saved a little duckling, and a beautiful swan grew up, which now does not want to fly away from him

hi Rob Adamson spotted a duck one day that might have died if he hadn’t taken it. The duckling was very small, but with a great willingness to live, and therefore the chances of living were good.
After the veterinarian examined the duckling, the wing was adjusted and food was prescribed. It turned out that this is a child of a wild swan, but nevertheless he required a lot of love and care.
Adamson had to take him overall with him for planned feedings.
Rob had a dog – a chihuahua, with whom Sidney was friends. The man took the duckling to animal lover, but Sidney did not want to reside in the open air, so the animal lover returned it to him. Now they are together: Rob and his wife, Sidney and the dog….

this is such a wonderful story!