8 Years Ago, a “Special” Girl was Born: How a Baby Girl Who was Born Without a Nose Lives Now

Tessa is growing up to be a regular child, except for one thing: the girl was born with a “peculiarity”.
Her oddity is that she has been born without a nose. It is an extremely unusual disorder; only a hundred such children have been born in the world, and our heroine is one of them.
Despite having no sense of smell, she can still have ARI and sneeze as a result of dust.
From birth, the girl has been very active and enjoys learning new things. She is an unremarkable youngster in the eyes of her parents. She does, by the way, have a sibling.
She also has various other health issues in addition to this one. She can’t see out of one of her eyes, underwent surgery on it, and has heart difficulties.

Her parents, however, are not disheartened and strive to raise her in such a way that she feels like a full-fledged child. They will also be able to fit her with a prosthetic nose as she grows.