A family of German Shepherds won’t leave the dumpsters where they last saw their owners

Lately, Lisa Reams, the director of Saving Grace Animal Rescue (SGAR), learned that two German shepherds had been left at a publif landfill. She sped out to see if she could assist without giving it a second thought. As she got there, she was caught by surprise, as there were four of them indeed and the two little puppies needed help too.
The dogs voluntarily went to the car to be rescued. They did not show any sign of resisting.
Reams sped out to the veterinarian’s office where testing revealed that both adult had heartworms, which luckily are curable. Their puppies, fortunately, tested negative. All of them were approved for foster care.
Finding a foster home, however, seemed challenging. To take advantage of the many foster homes available at NYC, the complete family is now scheduled to travel there.
Currently, the animals are still up for adoption or foster care. Luckily, the family stayed together long enough to have a chance to be saved. They are now secure and won’t ever be released in that manner again.