Wrinkles and an old T-shirt: how Lady Gaga is seen by only her lover – you’d be surprised

It’s difficult to say if the vocalist is well-known for her singing abilities or for her original artwork. By the way, they once created quite a commotion in society. The clothing worn by Lady Gaga that was created from actual meat was noteworthy.
The singer has nearly completely distanced herself from the epatage at this point, frequently appearing in public dressed elegantly and applying nude makeup to her face. Lady Gaga typically exudes such beauty that it can be very difficult to comprehend that she is 36 years old.
But in this instance, the Hollywood diva has chosen to present herself in an unexpected setting – wearing only a gray, home-stretch T-shirt and no foundation at all. This is how the star’s lover, businessman Michael Polanski, typically perceives her. Remember that they have been dating for three years, and the singer does all possible to conceal their union.
Lady Gaga took a selfie while holding a bouquet of flowers close to her face. The singer grinned in the picture. Her complexion was beautiful and glowing, but the deep wrinkles around her eyes, her untidy hair, and the growing roots gave her an elderly and uncared-for appearance right away.
Fans were surprised to see Lady Gaga so unconcerned, and several said the singer’s deep wrinkles gave her a much older appearance than she actually was.
“Radiant beauty,” “Wow, her wrinkles,” “Gaga isn’t the same anymore,” “She looks 10 years older”, “A bit of a bad angle, all the wrinkles are highlighted,” “What a beautiful glowing complexion,” “At least she should have washed her hair before taking pictures,” “Always with grown-out roots. How does she not understand that it looks unkempt,” internet users wrote.