The Guy Covered 95 Percent Of His Body With Tattoos: What Did He Look Like 5 Years Ago – Before Making Tattoos?

 The Guy Covered 95 Percent Of His Body With Tattoos: What Did He Look Like 5 Years Ago – Before Making Tattoos?

Weigelt’s adventure into extensive body art began at the age of 20, leading to 95 percent of his body being adorned with tattoos. Reflecting on his pre-tattooed self, he shared with the Daily Star, “It’s quite strange to see myself without the tattoos, yet deep down, I feel unchanged.”

He highlighted that the tattoos on his face and skull were exceptionally agonizing, likening the sensation to being brushed with metal. “I underwent six sessions, each lasting five to six hours, with the pain intensity hovering around eight on a scale of ten,” he recounted.

Weigelt emphasized that his tattoos don’t carry profound symbolism or hidden messages; they’re simply expressions of art. Over five years, his investment in tattoos has reached $50,000.

Offering advice to tattoo enthusiasts, Weigelt advises, “Choose designs that resonate with you personally. I’ve observed many people fretting over whether a tattoo suits them. If it appeals to you, that’s all that matters.”

This transformation is nothing short of remarkable. Would you ever entertain the idea of getting your entire body tattooed?

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