“When Creativity Meets Manual Skill”: A Man Built a Tiny House On Wheels And Now Lives There With His Family!

 “When Creativity Meets Manual Skill”: A Man Built a Tiny House On Wheels And Now Lives There With His Family!

As they say, in close quarters, no offense taken. DJ and Emily from New Zealand lived in a regular house and enjoyed life.

But at some point, DJ realized that it was all too boring. He wanted to travel a lot, experience new emotions, and not stay in one place. Especially since New Zealand is the perfect place for domestic tourism.

So he suggested to his wife to trade their spacious house for a small house on wheels. Emily didn’t like this idea, especially since the couple had a child, and she doubted they would all be comfortable in such a small space.

After some contemplation, Emily decided to take the risk. Thus, the family acquired a tiny house on wheels, covering just 100 square foot.

But it has everything necessary for a normal life. Firstly, it’s very bright. A large number of windows is a definite plus, as during travels, you can observe the surrounding landscapes.

The bed-transformer serves as a sofa during the day, and their child sleeps on a mattress. Meals can be prepared in the mini-kitchen. The couple also took care of conveniences, so there’s no need to look for public showers or toilets. The house also includes a foldable platform that extends when the family stops in a desired location. They can relax on it, lounging on a sun lounger or having a meal at the table.

Currently, DJ and Emily are completely satisfied with their lifestyle and enjoy traveling together with their child. But who knows, maybe in the future the couple will want to return to living in a spacious home again.

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