A special bond is formed between a golden retriever and a little guinea pig

There are countless stories about friendship with animals.

When this friendship develops between two different species, it is very intriguing. The connection between animals is all the more special than they are different.

A golden retriever and a beautiful guinea pig have such a unique bond.

The main characters of our fairy tale are the kind Pippin and the daring Frankenstein.

The Frankenstein is very optimistic and the Retriever is kind and peaceful, but despite their stark differences, they get along well.

Tiny Frankenstein travels everywhere with his animal companion. He looks like her shadow.

Frank will be in the backyard if Pippin is there. Frank is also on the bus with Pippin. But the amiable dog doesn’t care.

For Frank, Pippin acts as a guardian.

Only Pippin has the power to make Frank come out of hiding if he’s out of his mind. However, the adorable guinea pig prefers to sleep.

He likes to cuddle up to her long luxurious fur, treating her like a pillow.

With over 60,000 followers on Instagram, this unusual combination has captured the hearts of fans.

Please watch the video below to find out more about this fantastic and unique couple!

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