A Woman Adopted Two Children a Year Apart, and it Turned out that They were Siblings This amazing story happened in Colorado

Miss Page adopted a boy one day and a girl the next, with no idea the babies would be siblings.
After divorcing her husband, the woman determined to drastically alter her life. She changed her address, her career, and her surroundings. She went to work for the church as a caretaker for abandoned children.
She initially thought the job was too dismal and tough. But she became accustomed to it and fell in love with the process. She soon concluded she wanted to adopt a child from the center. He was four days old at the time. His mother had deserted him because she had been deeply involved in drugs during her pregnancy. Fortunately, the baby’s health was not affected in any way.
The woman tracked down Hannah’s (the girl’s) birth mother’s address and met with her. She claimed to know nothing about her son and to be expecting her third kid.
Kathy Page notified her handler, who ran a series of checks and confirmed that the boy and girl were linked.
That, however, is not the end of the narrative.
In fact, the delinquent mother quickly rejected her third child as well. Kathy Page has already requested custody.

“Then my large family will be complete!” – smiles a happy Paige.