All That’s Left is a Sly Smile: How Does the “Difficult Child” Star Look 33 Years Later?
Michael Oliver, the actor who portrayed the lead character in the film “Difficult Child,” has recently turned 37 years old. The passage of 33 years since the movie’s release has brought about significant changes in the actor’s appearance.
The youthful star has transformed into a rugged man who is now difficult to recognize. During the production of the sequel, Oliver’s mother engaged in a dispute with the producers, demanding more substantial compensation.
Unfortunately, the studio later filed a lawsuit against her. As a result, the family lost all their savings and even their home.
Since those events, Michael Oliver’s life has taken a downturn. In 1995, he stepped away from the film industry. Currently, Oliver is involved in music and carries no regrets.
He never embraced the idea of fame and has even grown out his hair and beard. Nevertheless, he still occasionally gets recognized on the streets.