“And God Created Perfection.” Men Showered Kardashian in Tiny Swim Trunks With Compliments

The well-known American mogul and social figure, Kim Kardashian, aged 42, shows no signs of stepping down. Imagine this – her updates have garnered the attention of over 300 million online followers. Kim ensures her devoted followers are never left out.
This multi-child mother and social icon updates her Instagram profile on a daily basis, receiving praises from her adoring fanbase. And God created perfection”, “Kim is beyond competition”, “Kim’s shape is flawless”, “This is what the ideal of female beauty looks like”,
“Are you serious? Who writes all these admiring comments? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?”, “What a beauty”, “I love it. I wish I looked like that at 42”,
“She hasn’t changed at all”, “She looks gorgeous, considering that she is a mom of many children”, – you can read under the post of the famous model and the heroine of a popular talk show.
What do you think about it? Share your thoughts under this post.