Back in a dress. Theron went out with her son, who doesn’t like boys’ clothes

 Back in a dress. Theron went out with her son, who doesn’t like boys’ clothes

Charlize Theron was seen out walking her children. In the comments, fans of the 46-year-old actress are outraged: “Jackson in a dress again. The movie star’s 14-year-old heir refuses to wear boyish clothing.

Theron outfitted Jackson in a white gown this time. “What is the world coming to?”, “Why don’t they raise children?”,

“Why indulge the whims of a child?”, “Keep him occupied with interesting things, or he’ll be fooling around.”

“Charlize is so beautiful, but she’s clearly not lucky enough to have a child,” – users posted in the comments section. What are your thoughts on this?

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