“Beauty Knows No Age”: Fashion Advice And Some Stylish Looks From 65-Year-Old Model!
- Interesting
- June 3, 2024
- 79
- 11 minutes read

At any stage of life, everyone desires to lead a healthy and beautiful existence. Yet, there are individuals who not only achieve this but also inspire others along the way. Take Yazemeenah Rossi, for instance. Despite getting her first gray hair at the tender age of 11, she pursued a career in modeling and has now reached the age of 65, radiating a captivating allure. In her reflections on aging, self-acceptance, and beauty, she imparts wisdom that resonates deeply with many.

She holds the belief that self-acceptance stems from staying grounded in rationality and appreciating the marvel of human existence, particularly the intricacies of the human body. Yazemeenah emphasized her profound affinity for nature and its inherent principles.

When discussing her approach to physical activity, she mentioned that she naturally engages in movements akin to yoga, feeling guided internally to stretch and experiencing its benefits. For her, exercise doesn’t entail visiting a gym but rather listening to her body’s cues in the moment. “People, when I was young, thought I was a sports teacher or a ballet dancer,” she remarked, “while it is a way of being in tune with the needs of the body.”