Bertram was raised at a shelter after being abandoned by his breeder since he believed he wouldn’t make any money off of him

 Bertram was raised at a shelter after being abandoned by his breeder since he believed he wouldn’t make any money off of him

Only 4-5 months old, Bertram, formerly known as Jasper, was discarded carelessly by his breeder at the shelter because he was too big to sell.

Breeders care about their animals’ health as well as their appearance because they want to make as much money as they can.

Therefore, poor animals with the wrong appearance were instantly thrown away as useless rubbish.

Bertie experienced the same thing, having to spend his formative years in a Tulsa shelter.

But all of a sudden, for the poor, unhappy dog, everything changed.

Kathy Grayson, a New York-based artist, came across Bert’s images while looking at PetFinder.

Kathy chose to adopt the adorable puppy after falling in love with him at first sight.

She didn’t waste any time in traveling to Tulsa to pick up the gorgeous dog from the local shelter and provide him with a new, loving home and a safe haven.

So, this abandoned dog’s fate was kind; he was given a second chance at life, but this time it was for a better life, one that was full of adventures.

Kathy had a great time attending fairs, art openings, and operas with her stylish pet.

The moment he gained notoriety on Instagram, where he has amassed more than 400k followers, Kathy understood that people were eager to meet this adorable puppy in person.

Bertram now spends most of his time at Kathy’s office, where visitors come for both the art and to see the online celebrity.

To meet Bertie, they even brought their pets to the Hole Art Gallery.

Bertram’s life was thus altered by this generous woman, who made it happier and more exciting.

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