Bravo! What does a guy who lost 440 Ibs look like?

 Bravo! What does a guy who lost 440 Ibs look like?

Casey, an American, lost 200 pounds with the help of a renowned TV show. However, the fortunate man was confronted with a new predicament. The American was taken aback by his reflection in the mirror after dropping weight. Casey had clearly aged. Following the substantial weight loss, the man’s wrinkles became more visible, and his skin sagged.

Despite the new problems, Casey is glad that he managed to get in shape. The young man is not going to stop there. “He’ll get plastic surgery and be good as new.”

“Why did you make yourself look like that?”, “Great job”, “You did great”,

“You should have stopped sooner and not made yourself look like that”, “Casey, you’re a hero”, “I hope I can lose weight too”,

“Looking at you, I understand that all is not lost,” Internet users wrote in the comments under Casey’s photo.

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