Did You Know What A Grate Inside The Stove Is Used For?: Some Useful Ways To Use It!

At 40, I’ve recently had an epiphany about the oven rack that I never saw coming. Previously, I had only used it as a support for baking pans or dough shapes, assuming that was its sole purpose. However, I’ve discovered its versatility extends far beyond that.
I found out that this rack can be an alternative to a toaster. I experimented with white bread for toasting. By placing a baking sheet just beneath the rack and weaving slices of bread through the rack’s bars, I achieved perfect toast in about 20 minutes!
The rack also proves ideal for roasting vegetables directly on it, skin and all. Everything from potatoes to bell peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants can be baked effortlessly on the rack.
Craving a skewered meat kebab? No problem. Skewer the meat and place it on the grill atop the rack for delicious kebabs. Just remember to place a drip tray below to catch any juices or fats. This method allows for kebab making anytime, regardless of the weather.
The grill rack also plays a pivotal role in preparing snacks like tacos, a staple in Mexican cuisine. Simply cut circles from regular flatbread, drape them over the rack, and after about 15 minutes in the oven, you’ll have the perfect taco shells.

I typically fill mine with a mixture of fried ground meat, onions, tomato paste, pepper (choose your heat level), and corn, topped with cheese. There are countless filling options to suit any taste.
For a main dish, I often roast chicken in a bag or mold, but the rack offers a simpler method. Hang chicken drumsticks directly on the rack, seasoned or marinated to your liking.
Don’t forget to place a tray with sides underneath, ideally with potatoes, which will soak up the delicious chicken fat, resulting in a mouthwatering side dish.