Fabio Jackson from England looks like Michael Jackson without having any plastic surgery

A guy from England named Fabio Jackson looks a lot like Michael Jackson. According to the Briton, unlike other doubles of the pop king, he did not undergo any plastic surgery and his appearance was a gift from nature.
Michael Jackson’s “natural” double: how does he look?
The age of Fabio Jackson from England is 28. He has gained a lot of popularity on social media due to his incredible physical similarity to Michael Jackson. He claims he never went to a plastic surgeon, despite the fact that many users accuse him of having plastic surgery to look like a famous musician.
As a demonstration that the haters accuse him in vain, Fabio shared photos from his youth with netizens. The young Briton resembled Michael Jackson very much even with his naked eye.
During his school years, Fabio recalls that many mocked him for his resemblance to the musician, offended him, and called him unpleasant names. As he matured, the Briton decided not to suffer, but to make money from his appearance. That’s what he did!
Social media stars Fabio Jackson
Fabio is today a professional double for Michael Jackson. In order to strengthen his position, the young man even changed his last name to Fabio Jackson. He even learned the legendary “moonwalk” of Michael to match the image of the musician. Every day he is inundated with offers of cooperation and performances. His social media followers number over 500,000, most of whom believe he did not have surgery and admire his resemblance to Michael Jackson.
How do you feel about this? Fabio looks like Michael, doesn’t he?