Fashion, where are you going? The Kardashian sister in pantyhose went out in the world

It appears that grandiose fashion trends no longer astonish the current world. Kendall Jenner, Kim Kardashian’s sister, was successful.
She wandered the streets of Los Angeles in an unusual way the other day.
The model did not bother to put on the bottom portion of her “costume” and went out in the World with revealing tights.
Followers were enamored with Jenner’s slim legs and voiced their adoration on her Instagram page.
The “fashionable ensemble” was not appreciated by the rest of the network users.
“Fashion, where are you going?”, “Maybe she just forgot?”, “I hope that such fashion will not go to the masses?”, “I can imagine girls in this form in the subway,” “Is it even considered normal now?”, – commented on the Internet.

“Legs, of course, beautiful, but on the street in this form – it’s too much.” And what do you think of Jenner’s outfit?