Her parents were persistently advised to leave her in the maternity hospital | But she grew up and became famous

Kennedy Garcia is the name of this adorable girl, and she resides in Colorado. Because the infant had Down syndrome, leukemia, and a malformed spine that made her head wobble and feel like it would fall off, her mother was strongly recommended to keep the child in the maternity hospital after she was born.
But fortunately for Renee Garcia, the mother of the daughter, a nurse working on the unit approached her and offered moral support, reassuring her that these kids may be healed and can lead normal lives. All they would need to do is wait and work hard.
Kennedy’s weak spine was the first significant challenge she faced in life. The youngster was given a metal collar and a helmet when she was two years old to help mend her bones. The young girl was paralyzed from the waist down. She spent the entire day lying on the couch watching dance videos. And as soon as she was able to move again, she raced to sign up for a dance class.
Kennedy discovered that as long as you perform effectively, it doesn’t matter how you look. She put a lot of effort into it and practically lived her dancing life. She soon expanded her professional network by working for American Girl, Justice Clothing, and Disney.
She now spends her time dancing, participating in picture shoots, and making new friends. She commutes frequently to Hollywood and New York for castings, TV shows, and work for KMR Diversity and Dream Talent Management. She’s just 16 years old, too!
The mother of the girl claims that the life of her daughter is nothing like the dreadful pictures the doctors formerly depicted of her. She is a typical adolescent who enjoys taking selfies, experimenting with hair color, creating TikTok videos, and talking about boys with her pals. She has a great attitude and enjoys laughing a lot.
Matthew is a good buddy of Kennedy’s. The man, who is four years her senior and has Down syndrome as well, works in acting and modeling.

Kennedy has accepted to become Matthew’s girlfriend as a result of his continuous courtship. Due to their dispersed locations across the nation, they hardly ever interact with one another.
Already friends with each other’s parents, theirs. That’s the nicest gift you could give your daughter, according to her mother.