“I never let the bottle out of my hands.” How handsome Chandler from “Friends” has changed over the years

Matthew Perry, the actor, said that he hasn’t let go of the bottle in years. Perry admitted to spending more than $14 million in an attempt to break his harmful habit. Today, it’s difficult to see the attractive Chandler from “Friends” in the chubby and aging Perry.
Perry’s fans are deeply concerned about the actor’s health. Remember that Perry is only 53 years old, yet the actor appears much older.
“I was in love with Perry,” “He was really handsome when he was young,” “His habit has left a mark on the actor’s appearance,” “Too bad,”
“Guys, he just got older,” “None of us are getting any younger,” “It’s too bad his career is over,” people commented the new photo of Perry, who had transformed beyond recognition.
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