Like a Girl. Paparazzi Caught the 67-year-old Kardashian Mom in a Bodysuit

 Like a Girl. Paparazzi Caught the 67-year-old Kardashian Mom in a Bodysuit

The paparazzi recently captured the 66-year-old mother of a Hollywood diva on vacation. Chriss appeared in front of fans wearing a bodysuit that cleverly highlighted the shape of a celebrity parent.

Internet users came to rave about what they saw, showering the woman with rapturous compliments. “Looks slimmer than her daughter,” “Chriss looks so much better than her star daughter,” “Like a young girl.”

“Can’t believe she’ll be 70 soon,” “Everybody should look like that at 67,”

“Charming with her beauty,” “Forever young,” “Is she not going to get old?”, “Talented family.”

“All the women in this family are beautiful as can be,” “Bravo, Criss,” Instagram users wrote. Do you agree with the commenters?

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