Lost her former form: 63-year-old Stone scolded for a vacation photo in a bodysuit

 Lost her former form: 63-year-old Stone scolded for a vacation photo in a bodysuit

In France, Sharon Stone, 63, is taking advantage of a well-earned holiday. The actress sends pictures of her vacation to her followers. Stone’s admirers are ecstatic with the woman’s new photos and have been complimenting her to no end.

“What a gorgeous woman,” “Grandma’s already there, but still there,” “She’s lost her former form,” “70 is just around the corner, but still there”, “Grandma split up,”

“A very beautiful woman. She looks gorgeous” “I wish I had that kind of shape at 63”,

“She can’t rest now, can she?”, “She looks better than a lot of 40 years olds”,

“Bravo, Sharon,” – under her post, the actress’s subscribers wrote. Do you agree with the readers’ comments?

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