Madonna showed her 21-year-old son by Guy Ritchie for the first time: rare photos of the handsome boy

 Madonna showed her 21-year-old son by Guy Ritchie for the first time: rare photos of the handsome boy

For the first time in a long time, Madonna posted black-and-white photos of her son Rocco from various angles on Instagram. According to the photos, the 21-year-old is still a heartthrob.

Madonna, like any other mother, enjoys bragging about her children. She recently wowed her followers with this candid photo of her daughter Lourdes Leon.

Madonna has now decided to flaunt her son Rocco John:

And here’s one more photo to ensure you get a good look at the guy.

What we know about Madonna’s marriage to Guy Ritchie

Guy Ritchie, a well-known British director, became Madonna’s second husband. They tied the knot in 2000 and divorced in 2008. The star couple’s common son is Rocco Ritchie. In addition, the couple adopted one-year-old David Banda from Malawi in 2005.

Guy Ritchie married model Jackie Ainsley in 2015, and they have three children.

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