Makeup and hair do wonders: stylists turned a tired grandmother into an elegant lady

Maria is approaching 70 years old, but she has never really given her appearance any thought because she is so accustomed to it. She raised her son by herself, and when she had grandchildren, she also wanted to show them as much love and care as she could.
Maria and her daughter-in-law got along well, so she made the decision to surprise her. She made arrangements with a stylist to have her mother-in-law transformed into a true beauty before their wedding anniversary. Even so, it was difficult to persuade the mother-in-law to attend this occasion.
But all turned out for the best, and Maria is now seated in the chair while the master goes to work. The woman’s hair was first freshly colored, then she had her hair chopped and groomed. She then had a professional and natural makeup application that made her look ten years younger! The beautiful blouse and purse that her daughter-in-law gave her completed the ensemble.
Look at how the drained granny with the poker face has changed into a chic lady now! It’s difficult to ignore the glimmer in her eyes. You can say with certainty that her daughter-in-present law’s was a success! How do you find these modifications?