“Mother and son”: Madonna’s boyfriend was not recognized in the star’s new family photo

And you know right away where the singer’s children were raised and who her partner is?
Dancer Akhlamalik Williams, 63, is 35 years younger than Madonna, her current partner. He might not even be the pop icon’s son, but rather her grandchild, depending on the situation.
Their relationship has lasted over three years despite the age gap. And it appears like the couple’s relationship is only getting better. Madonna has known Ahlamalik’s parents for a while (by the way, they are not against his relationship with the singer, and even hope for a wedding). How to introduce her lover to their kids has been on her mind for many months. Recall that the actress has six children in total—two biological and four adoptive. Williams was quite pleased with all of them.
The guy is approximately the same age as Madonna’s oldest daughter, Lourdes, so this is hardly shocking. His sweetheart is even younger in age than the identical 9-year-old twins Esther and Stella Ahlamalik. This is especially clear in a rare family photograph that was shot while on vacation in Switzerland for the New Year. Even Madonna’s fans had trouble distinguishing between her lover and her children at first. Do you?
We clarify who is who for those who might be a bit perplexed. Daughter Lourdes’ lover Jonathan Puglia, daughter Mercy (16), son Rocco (21), a Yodeler musician, son David Banda (17), Madonna (63), a Yodeler artist, daughter Stella (9), a Yodeler musician, and Lourdes herself are shown from left to right.
Ironically, one of the subscribers captioned the image, “Madonna and her seven children.” Others started to say that Madonna should have picked an older man under this and another photo of the celebrity (with merely a lover). And Photoshop shouldn’t have been used so carelessly.
Of course, Madonna’s vigor and sensuality are astounding at 50 and 60. However, many people still have confused perceptions about her beloved’s age given their enormous age gap.
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