“My sudden kiss shocked Brad Pitt”: Margot Robbie talks about her prank on the party set

In “Babylon,” the 32-year-old Hollywood diva co-starred with Angelina Jolie’s ex-husband. Margot convinced the directors to alter the script so she might have the chance to kiss Pitt by assuring them that she was happy with her relationship. Robbie went into further detail about the filming of the shocking moment.
“Nelly’s character in “Babylon” gives several people kisses. In fact, I added a kiss that wasn’t in the script on the spot. Nelly approached the characters played by Brad Pitt and Katherine Waterstone while we were filming a party scene.
The actress claims that the partners were taken aback by her actions. “They were a little taken aback. I’m not sure if that scene was included in the film,” the movie diva explained in an interview.
The magazine’s February issue featured Margot as its protagonist. The actress made a risky cover appearance. Robbie wore a Prada ultra-short dress in a steely hue. The actress added a ring with a sizable stone to complete the picture.
Margot’s hair was smoothed out by the stylists and parted in a straight line, and her makeup was kept natural. The celebrity took up a pink phone and looked to the side. The actress used a flattering angle to highlight her physique’s benefits.
Margo and Brad were cast in an orgy sequence. The celebrities affirmed that they were not required to attend such “crazy parties” in reality.
The actors made a splash during the movie’s debut. Robbie made an unfantasy-inspiring entrance on the red carpet in a dress. Pitt appeared at ease while dressed in a formal tux.
Margot talked candidly about The Wolf of Wall Street bed scene. The actress had to consume wine because she was so anxious.