Paparazzi caught Robert De Niro, 78, with his new lover

 Paparazzi caught Robert De Niro, 78, with his new lover

Robert De Niro has long been seen as a heartbreaker due to his numerous affairs with prominent singers, actors, and models over the course of his career. Everything changed when he met average stewardess G. Hightower.

Except for the girl herself, who did not believe her husband would cease writing novels on the side. At one time, the Hollywood actor became so tired of his wife’s incessant jealously that he planned to divorce her.

De Niro’s health began to deteriorate in 2003. Grace then returned to her beloved and began nursing him. The man liked the attention, and they promised to see one other again in 2004.

Regrettably, this promise was not to be fulfilled. The couple divorced three years ago, but the divorce proceedings are still ongoing. And this is not because of the children, but because of the popular actor’s terrible condition.

The 78-year-old attractive man, on the other hand, will not be bored. Back in the summer, the man was observed on a yacht with a stranger. De Niro was recently seen walking with a girl and his three children.

Tiffany, a martial arts master, is her name. As far as we know, the couple met on the set of the film “Intern,” which debuted in 2015. The woman is 62 years old as of today, although she appears much younger.


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