Photographs of people proving that it is not always possible to guess the age of a person by appearance

 Photographs of people proving that it is not always possible to guess the age of a person by appearance

Probably all of us have tried to guess the age of a stranger when we saw him. Sometimes we succeeded. But people are different. There are teenagers who look like adults and adults who look young. In the photos that we will show now, people’s looks do not correspond to their real age at all.

No, this is not a mother of five children, but only a 14-year-old girl

The “young man” is 38 years old

At 13 and 40, it’s incredible

A housewife and mother of many children? Just a high school girl

A 7-year-old boy with the facial expression of an adult

A 30-year-old daughter with a 60-year-old father

Does it look like a schoolboy put on a mustache for fun? Actually, this is a chef in a restaurant

This lady is only 14 years old

30 year old man

15-year-old girl

Only 15 years old

On the left is a 12-year-old girl

When you are already 26 years old, but they ask for a passport in the store

It looks like a child participating in a masquerade

And do you have acquaintances whose real age is impossible to guess? Write about them in the comments.

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