Pigmentation and rotten knees. Sharon Stone, 63, shows off her legs in a mini

 Pigmentation and rotten knees. Sharon Stone, 63, shows off her legs in a mini

Sharon Stone, 63, opted to satisfy Instagram by posting her new photo in its entirety. The Hollywood star flaunted her legs in a mini-skirt photo, sparking outrage on the Internet. Not without envious people discussing what they saw in the comments, who did not appreciate the picture of the beauty.

“Beautiful woman”, “She looks amazing for her age”, “Aged”, “That’s where photoshop would be helpful”, “Natural process. What surprises you?”, “Accepts herself for who she is”, “Good for her, not acting”, “Thanks for your honesty, Sharon”,

“Queen”, “The most beautiful woman”, “Everyone should look like that at 63”, – wrote the users of the Network. What do you think, friends? Share your impressions below our post.

Would you be willing to look like this when you’re 63?

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