Pregnant dog saved from kill shelter | She gave birth on ride home

The day a dog from a shelter is eventually adopted is always a happy occasion. And occasionally the perfect timing is right for these canines to find their forever homes.
That applied to one pregnant rescue dog who gave birth to puppies while being transported from the shelter to her home.
With a fractured limb and babies on the way, Lizzy the terrier’s situation wasn’t ideal in 2019. Even worse, it was claimed that she was in a high-kill shelter in Georgia and was in imminent danger of being put to death.
Fortunately, Rebecca Lynch, executive director of Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida, was there to step in at the ideal moment.
Knowing that the local, rural shelters frequently had high kill rates, Rebecca and her husband decided to stop into a shelter while on vacation in Georgia in order to adopt a dog.
She specifically intended to “rescue the neediest puppy” they had. She told The Dodo, “I had space in my van and wanted to help.”
Lizzy was that “neediest dog.” Making a comfortable area in her car for their return trip to Florida, Rebecca made the decision to take the sad dog home.
The little puppy was initially frightened and timid but quickly warmed up to her new adopter. During their voyage, an amazing thing occurred: Lizzy started giving birth!
Rebecca added, “Once she felt secure and at ease, she decided it was time. I said to my husband, “I think she’s in labor,” as she began to pant and get restless.
Lizzy gave birth to a healthy litter of puppies; she gave birth to three of them in the car, two more while they were at the veterinarian, and two more throughout the remainder of the trip home.
It seems as though Lizzy awaited for safety and protection before bringing her puppies into the world.
After a very dramatic journey, Lizzy arrived at her forever home, and all of her puppies quickly found families of their own.
A year later, Rebecca said in a Facebook post that “all of her pups went to great homes when they were ready – they’re healthy, loved, and spoilt rotten.”
In the meantime, Lizzy has made a good adjustment to her new home and hasn’t let her tragic background prevent her from becoming a joyful, devoted dog.
“Lizzie is adorable. She is so kind and trusting, bless her heart, considering everything she has been through in her brief life,” Rebecca mentioned. “She has a kind and kind soul. Quite remarkable.”
Every time a dog is “freed” from a shelter, it’s a momentous occasion, but for Lizzy and Rebecca, it was a voyage they will never forget!
It’s obvious that Rebecca chose to adopt Lizzy at the ideal time.