Remember the girl with the huge monobrow? This is how she lives and looks now

Sophia Hadjipanteli was featured in numerous high-profile publications and high-profile brand exhibitions, although few would describe her as a typical model.
Thanks to her beautiful feature, the girl broke into the industry and rose to fame. The prominent monobrow on the attractive woman caught people’s attention. Many representatives of the fair sex find this particular aspect of look embarrassing and will use whatever measures necessary to eliminate it. Sophia, however, made it her greatest strength and competitive advantage.
After that, the model’s career took off, and she cemented her place in glossy history. The beauty, however, wanted to help people rather than just appreciate them. Because of this, she started the “UnibrowMovement” movement, which supports unorthodox beauty.
Hajipanteli continues to maintain a bushy monobrow and actively promotes her personal blog today.