She married an 89-year-old billionaire. And this is what her daughter looks like now

 She married an 89-year-old billionaire. And this is what her daughter looks like now

James Howard Marshall II, a 90-year-old billionaire, wed a youthful Anna Nicole Smith in the early 1990s. The girl was a dancer at the club where they first met. He was responsible for her rise to fame. This couple was widely discussed.

A little over a year later, the billionaire passed away, and the young widow began to share his fortune with his stepson.

The beauty of the girl is really striking.

She married several more times after that. In one of her marriages she had a daughter.

This is what the daughter of one of the most beautiful women in the United States looks like.

After the birth of her daughter, she experienced problems. She passed away in her own bed as a result of the numerous antidepressants and other prescriptions she used.

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