She Starred With Leonardo DiCaprio At The Age Of 9: What Does Little Cora From Titanic Look Like Today?

 She Starred With Leonardo DiCaprio At The Age Of 9: What Does Little Cora From Titanic Look Like Today?

Twenty-six years ago, the world fell in love with the epic romance of Titanic. Among the many memorable moments was the charming performance of a young Alex Owens, then just 9 years old. Alex, along with her sister, were cast in the film by their mother, and all three spent a remarkable six months on set.

Alex’s role as Cora Cartmell captured the hearts of audiences worldwide, and she even struck up a sweet friendship with her co-star Leonardo DiCaprio, who reportedly doted on her and even ordered her peanut butter sandwiches! While her initial success was undeniable, Alex chose to prioritize her education after her time on Titanic.

However, the dream of acting never faded. Following graduation, she moved to Los Angeles and actively pursued acting lessons. Determined to make her mark in Hollywood, Alex re-emerged in 2017, now a young woman with a renewed passion for the craft. Since then, she’s steadily built her resume with roles in various productions, patiently waiting for the chance to recapture the magic of her childhood performance.

In addition to acting, Alex also enjoys captivating audiences with her cabaret performances. An active social media user with nearly 20,000 followers, Alex uses her platform to advocate for causes she’s passionate about and to keep fans updated on her latest projects.

This dedicated actress is a testament to the power of perseverance, and with her talent and determination, Alex Owens is sure to continue captivating audiences for years to come.

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