Susan Sarandon starred with her daughter 11 times, but no one recognized her: what does the heiress look like

 Susan Sarandon starred with her daughter 11 times, but no one recognized her: what does the heiress look like

She will celebrate her 38th birthday in the spring.

Susan Sarandon is one of the most talented actresses in Hollywood. She has collaborated with many famous directors. It turns out that she starred in many projects with her daughter Eva Amurri Martino.

Eva started acting in movies at the age of 7, when she appeared in the movie “Bob Roberts”. After that, she often appeared on the screens. She played in such films as “Californication” and “Doctor House”, as well as the drama “The Life Before Her Eyes”.

11 times Eva was filmed together with her mother. In the movie “Banger Sisters” they appeared as mother and daughter, and in the movie “Dead Man Walking” as the same heroine at different ages.

Viewers don’t always recognize Susan’s daughter, because Eva looks more like her father, Italian director Franco Amurri.


And very few know that Eva and Susan are mother and daughter not only in the movie, but also in reality.

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