“The Baby Who Stunned Doctors With His Rare Disorder”: What Does The Kid Look Like Now – 20 Years Later?

Imagine being born with skin that appears to fit a 5-year-old, despite being just a baby. Doctors were astounded by Tomm Tennent’s appearance at birth, as were his parents. Their journey since then has been filled with challenges and emotional resilience. Fast forward to the present day, and seeing Tomm’s transformation might bring tears of amazement to your eyes.
In 1993, a remarkable event unfolded in South East Australia. Tomm Tennent was born with a rare condition that left everyone astonished. Even before his birth, ultrasounds hinted at something extraordinary, prompting his parents to contemplate their decision. Fortunately, Tomm’s father made the right choice. “We discussed it and decided to proceed, accepting whatever fate had in store for us,” said his father, Geoff Tennent.
No amount of preparation could have readied anyone for the severity of Tomm’s condition. When his parents first laid eyes on him in the delivery room, they were utterly surprised. Tomm’s mother, Debbie Tennent, couldn’t believe what she was seeing when they placed him on her chest.
“My heart leaped into my throat, but at the same time, it was heartwarming to hold him close,” she said. Doctors were baffled by Tomm’s condition. With an unclear cause, treatment options were limited. Their only hope was that as Tomm grew, he would naturally outgrow his skin and the wrinkles would diminish. He spent about two and a half months in the hospital, a challenging period for the researchers.
They discovered that Tomm had an excess of Hyaluronic acid in his body, akin to Shar Pei puppies. However, his levels were significantly higher than normal. Interestingly, as Shar Peis mature, their Hyaluronic acid levels decrease, and their skin changes. Doctors speculated that the same might occur with Tomm.

Dr. Andrew Ramsden, a physician, predicted that Tomm’s condition would likely improve as he aged. And he was right! Tomm’s condition did indeed improve over time, just as the doctor anticipated. Tomm faced challenges in his early years, enduring teasing and exclusion from school due to his distinctive appearance. Although he still had some minor physical differences, they were far less pronounced than at birth.
Now, 30 years since Tomm’s birth, doctors are astonished. While much about his current life remains a mystery, it appears he’s happily married to Hannah in Frankston, Victoria, Australia. “Life is simple. You make choices, and you don’t dwell on the past,” Tomm shared on his Facebook profile.
The arrival of a new baby is a joyous occasion, but it also evokes a sense of protective instinct. In our next story, Cristina and Blaize welcomed their newborn daughter with overwhelming joy, only to discover she had a rare condition that initially puzzled doctors.