The Guy had more than 10 Operations to Look Like Britney Spears

Britney Spears was a hugely popular singer in the noughties, with a worldwide fan base numbering in the millions. Some of them were so enthralled with their beloved celebrity that they did weird and even bizarre things.
As a result, a young American Brian Ray was so obsessed with the popular singer that he resolved to become an exact replica of her. The first step was to modify the curve of the lips to achieve Britney’s “signature” smile.
He did not stop there. Brian has had over 100 surgeries in all, giving him a look remarkably similar to Britney Spears in her earlier years.
The man maintains the effect with Botox injections, which he gets every six months, and simply ignores the numerous mockeries, claiming that he is extremely content with his appearance.
And what are your thoughts on the young man’s transformation? Leave your thoughts in the comments.