The life of the world’s smallest model |134 cm of beauty

Meet Asta Young, a lovely Hong Kong native. This adorable “Thumbelina” is barely 134 cm tall.
Even when Asta was in school, she struggled greatly due to her peers’ roughness.
You all know how vicious kids and teens can be, and Asta used to get teased by her friends for being short.
In the end, the girl retreated from other kids and started to isolate herself.
Years went by, Asta completed her education and secured employment, but she remained the same reclusive person.
She had the impression that by doing this, she was shielded from insults and unfavorable viewpoints.
The girl did, however, make the decision one day to try to alter her way of life and outlook on the world.
It’s unclear what caused this. Asta’s long-held desire to cosplay may have served as the catalyst.
And the girl made the decision to give it life. Her vivid photos have received a ton of online attention.
The girl eventually managed to “come out of her shell,” opened up, and acquired a lot of friends.
Asta Young currently resides in the United States with her husband, who only adores his frail and diminutive wife. He also appreciates cosplay, by the way.