The most beautiful girl in the world celebrated her 17th birthday. How she looks today

 The most beautiful girl in the world celebrated her 17th birthday. How she looks today

Kristina Pimenova has been dubbed “the world’s most beautiful child.” Photos of the young model could be found on different subpublics’ expanses. Kristina relocated to America with her parents soon after, and everyone forgot about her beauty. Do you want to see how Christina appears today?

The model recently marked her 17th birthday. Pimenova does not appear to be her biological age, but she has maintained her flawless attractiveness.

“What a beautiful girl. Like an angel.”

“At 17, she looks 25,” “I played dolls at 17 and dressed like a child,”

“She’s perfect,” “Everything about her is beautiful,” “I can’t get enough of her,” “It’s like she came out of a picture,” Internet users write.

Do you remember this beauty? Christina has a truly angelic appearance, doesn’t she?

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