The pregnant daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis in a brightly colored coat was filmed in Los Angeles

 The pregnant daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis in a brightly colored coat was filmed in Los Angeles

The daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, 34, is getting ready to give birth to her first child. With Vista Kicks frontman Derek Richard Thomas, the woman is pregnant. In the fall of 2022, they made their relationship public.

Just one month ago, Willis quit concealing her pregnancy. The “Stripes” actor’s eldest daughter went for a walk today. Rumer was filmed by paparazzi in Los Angeles as she was on her way to the vet.

The expecting mother gave in to the atmosphere and showed up in public wearing a vibrant attire. Rumer opted for a tight pair of black jeans, a black T-shirt, white socks, and flat shoes. The rocker girl used vibrant touches to draw attention away from her chubby belly. A brown fleece coat was placed over Rumer’s shoulders. The famous daughter wore a colorful hat to protect her head.

The actress from “House Rabbit” braided two braids but declined to wear makeup. The girl and her dog were strolling down the street. Rumer was relaxingly grinning while adjusting her outerwear. Fans of the star family are heatedly discussing Willis’ rare appearance. “She hasn’t changed much,” “Roemer is just glowing with happiness,” “The mom-to-be is having a blast! I love her hat,” users noted.

Demi Moore was giddy with joy when she heard about the new family member. She will be a “crazy grandmother,” the actress said. The daughter of Bruce Willis’ ex-wife was displayed by her bulging belly.

The famous person went to a doctor’s visit with Rumer. Demi displayed an emotional image taken in the ultrasound room.

Rumer went to see her sick father. The child hosted a Christmas party at Bruce Willis and his young wife’s house with the help of her mother and sisters.

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