The rescuers saved a cat after two weeks of being trapped 75 feet in the air

Clyde, a house cat, was frightened and escaped outside before he had time to consider his actions. The tabby rushed for cover in an unknown environment and found himself at the peak of a 75-foot fir tree, which was not where he had anticipated. Clyde was fortunate that an experienced professional could offer assistance.
An employee of Cat Canopy Rescue, Tom Otto, noticed the animal’s feeble calls. The climber could feel the cat’s relief when he recognized his savior.
About half a month after the animal went missing, his distraught family learned where he had disappeared. He appeared in their arms again after they had just made an urgent call to the rescuer.
In a social media post about Clyde, the rescue group showed their excitement for having located him.
Otto understands how difficult it may be when your cherished pet is in peril since he owns two rescue cats himself. He relished seeing the pet reunited with his devoted family. It is amazing for him too see a family welcomed by a cat they had been missing.
Since the accident, Clyde has been rebuilding his strength. He enjoyed the precious time with the family members. After everything that has happened, the indoor cat undoubtedly has a newfound rescuer. If he ever appears in a similar situation, he may keep calm knowing that a familiar face would be there shortly to assist him.