Their Neighbor Built a Two-Story House On The Boundary With a Window Onto Our Site: What Did They Come Up With In Response?
Many people encounter the issue of boundary line construction, so we’ve decided to share our experience and solution to this common problem. It’s a well-known fact that building directly on the boundary line is prohibited; there must be at least a one-meter setback when constructing anything on your property, particularly a house. Our neighbor constructed a two-story extension to his home right on the boundary line. Initially, we weren’t too concerned about it.
However, our concern grew when he began adding a mansard with a window facing our property. The window, in particular, was what troubled us. Upon realizing his intentions, we attempted to discuss the matter with him. Unfortunately, he was unyielding, stating that his plans were set and he wasn’t going to alter the design just because we objected to the window overlooking our plot. Next, we approached the local Architectural Office in our town. They confirmed that our neighbor was indeed violating the regulations, but they also informed us that there was little we could do. Even if we pursued legal action and won, enforcing the court’s decision would be difficult, as the neighbor wouldn’t face any real penalties for non-compliance.
We had a small shed constructed near our neighbor’s extension, and we decided to modify it slightly. Our plan was to increase its height and adjust the roof so that it blocked the view from the neighbor’s window. Before starting the remodeling, we informed our neighbor of our intention to build a taller roof that would obstruct his window. Importantly, our shed was built in compliance with all regulations, maintaining the required setback from the boundary line, even though it is not a permanent structure.
This is what it looks like now, and we are pleased with the outcome. Our story illustrates a practical approach to dealing with boundary line construction issues when formal channels may not provide an effective remedy. By creatively using our own property within the legal guidelines, we were able to resolve the problem to our satisfaction.