This girl is 60! Moore in a mini struck the shape of a 20-year-old student

 This girl is 60! Moore in a mini struck the shape of a 20-year-old student

Bruce Willis’ ex-wife celebrated her 60th birthday. It’s difficult to imagine Demi is more than 40 years old. Have a peek at this gem! Moore recently showed off her student-like body and youthful visage in new film. “That girl is 60? You’re not kidding?” ,

“I even Googled her age to make sure she was 60,”


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Публикация от Demi Moore (@demimoore)

“If you get old, it’s the only way,” “This old age suits me,” “How does she do it?”, “Grandma looks great. Everyone should age so beautifully.”


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Публикация от Brad Goreski (@bradgoreski)

“I want to look like Demi Moore when I’m 60,” “Why act like a girl? Everyone knows how old she is,” Instagram users wrote in the comments underneath the new shots of Moore.

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