This Incident Made People Believe in Miracles

Some events in life make people believe in miracles. One such event happened in one of Botswana’s national parks.
While strolling across the park with her pride, the mother lioness heard sobbing.
She visited the sound and discovered a fox. The latter was hurt and in need of assistance.
The baby’s hind legs were hurt, and it was immobile.
The male of the pride then sprang on the cub and prepared to rip him to pieces.
The lioness, however, bravely stood in his way and prevented him from doing so.
Even though it was the king of beasts, the lioness stood up for the fox and wouldn’t let anyone make him feel uncomfortable.
The lioness must have triggered a strong parental instinct to rescue the fox’s life.
It’s noteworthy to note that the lioness gave her paw to the lion each time it tried to pounce.
The lion family left the fox and moved on, but the cub soon recovered and set out in search of his family.
There is a lot of research that shows animals are considerably kinder and fairer than people.
After all, the lioness, in this instance, chose to flee from the prey, whom the predatory drive itself was meant to fight.

However, she chose not to because her maternal instinct proved to be far stronger and more powerful.
And we pray that by some miracle, the living fox was able to locate his missing family and reconcile with it.
It’s a wonderful and amazing story, isn’t it?