This is a priceless moment. For the first time, a deaf newborn hears her mother’s voice

The day before, a video of a touching meeting between a mother and her child went viral on the Internet. 900,000 people watched the reaction of a baby who heard his mother for the first time.
The reel’s heroine’s name is Kristina; she had been pondering for a long time over, whether she should publish her video or not. She eventually became determined and posted the video on the internet. Her goal was to demonstrate how hearing aids can help people who are deaf.
Kristina’s baby was sleeping peacefully in her mother’s arms when her face changed and she responded to her mother’s voice. A hearing aid was placed behind the baby’s ear, allowing her to fully immerse herself in the new experience. Kristina says in the video caption that a hearing aid is not a magic wand that can heal people with hearing loss with a single wave. Deaf people do not require rehabilitation. According to the woman, the little girl was able to hear her thanks to this device. This was a significant occasion for their family.
The mother was seen speaking affectionately to the child, and the girl literally glowed when she heard her mother’s voice. Kristina greeted her daughter, noting that this was a new experience for her. “Is it funny?” the woman asked, in response to her daughter’s smile. I agree, it’s amusing.” The happy mother took advantage of the opportunity to express her feelings for her baby girl.
This touching scene did not go unnoticed by Network users. They had been deeply moved. “She listens intently, as if trying to recall every sound. And the joy and wonder on her face,” “Oh my goodness! It’s wonderful that you’re sharing your feelings with us. Thank you!” said one internet user in the comments. Someone claimed to have seen tears in the baby’s eyes.
Without a doubt, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Christina’s terminology was also well received by network users.
They stated that seeing the hearing aid from a different angle was beneficial to them. People realized the device was a “tool” rather than a “corrective device” after watching the video. Hearing aids do not cure deafness, but they do allow people to hear sounds they have never heard before.
Hearing aids can significantly improve the way deaf and hard of hearing people live their daily lives, according to users. The device has allowed the characters in this video to communicate at a new level, and such an experience is priceless and never forgotten.