This ordinary girl is the envy of millions: how the chosen one of the most beautiful Arab in the world looks like

He departed Saudi Arabia after a high-profile scandal involving local law enforcement officers. The truth is that when a lengthy line of girls wanting to be photographed with Omar formed during an event where he was a model, the police accused him of disorderly behaviour and asked him to leave the premises.
He traveled to America and, by all accounts, did not regret his decision. He is doing well in the United States, both professionally and personally. Several of Omar’s female admirers were outraged when it was revealed that he now has a wife. Not only that, but the pair are raising an heir named Diyab together.
Understandably, the appearance of Yasmina Oveda’s chosen one is scrutinized by reviewers, many of whom regard her as a substandard woman.
Others, on the other hand, think they’re a great match. The important thing is that the opinions of others do not upset the lovers.
Previously, a 24-year-old freak from Australia, whose entire body is covered in tattoos, gathers them for his kid.