Brad tightly holds his beloved’s hand, protecting Ines from intrusive journalists with great care. New photos of the 60-year-old Pitt with his young fiancée have melted the hearts of fans. After splitting with Jolie, Brad noticeably aged and became thinner.

Internet users then didn’t miss the chance to make cutting remarks in the comments, implying that his ex had drained him dry. In his new relationship, Pitt seems to have regained 20 years of youthfulness. Fans adore Brad’s new passion, with internet users unanimously declaring, “Ines is cooler than Jolie.”

Do you agree with the actor’s fans? “He’s finally happy,” “Brad radiates happiness with this girl,” “Their relationship is like a fairy tale,” “Simply a magnificent couple,”

“Angelina always had a perpetually discontented, arrogant face. She not only kept Brad on a tight leash but also her children,” “Ines is like a dream girl: fun, open, and cheerful. Which you couldn’t say about Angelina.”

“I don’t think Jolie can make anyone happy,” “Beautiful couple,” write internet users under the new photos of the pair.
What do you think?