Twelve Years Have Passed. What Twins With Different Eye Colors Look Like Now

Morgan and Megan were born in the year 2011. When the twins were four years old, their mother posted the first photo of them on Instagram. The extraordinary attractiveness of the babies drew the attention of Internet users. The girls received their remarkable beauty from their mother, who has sky-blue eyes.
Morgan, who received her brown eyes from her parents, paid close attention to her father as well. Megan and Morgan’s update currently has over 1 million subscribers on the Internet.
The females enjoy being photographed and flaunting their clothing. Megan and Morgan, according to their mother, are always encircled by the gaze of regular people on the street.
The woman spends a few hours each day on the girls’ hair and cosmetics, as well as picking fashionable photos and accessories for the young models. Take a look at these tiny angels.
Is it possible to stare at Megan and Morgan’s images and stay unmoved?