What a grandma! The photo of 68-year-old Versace in a mini caused a furor on the Internet

The 66-year-old Italian fashion designer’s photos have generated a lot of discussion on the Network. Donatella’s critics, who examine images of the well-known woman almost under a magnifying glass, are not placated.
Versace’s fashion presence the other day excited fans, and the woman’s critics raced to add their two cents to the conversation. “What did she do to herself?”, “Why put out goat horns?”,
“Too much plastic,” “Too skinny,” “I don’t think this outfit suits her,” “She doesn’t look good,” “She’s long out of circulation,” “Interesting woman, talent,” “But she’s rich,”
“You can’t look at her face without tears,” “She overdid it with beauty,” – wrote Instagram users.
What do you think, then? How do you feel about the fashion designer’s image?