Ordinary housewives. What Cindy Crawford’s sisters look like as ordinary teachers

 Ordinary housewives. What Cindy Crawford’s sisters look like as ordinary teachers

Cindy Crawford, like many other 90s supermodels, was born into a modest family.

The future catwalk model’s father was a plain electrician, and her mother was a sales clerk. And Cindy’s life could be linked not to the modeling industry, but to… chemistry. If it hadn’t been for a pleasant accident: Cindy discovered a newspaper photographer while summer student corn picking and took a picture with a lovely female. Crawford’s modeling career began with this photograph. She left out of university after only a semester and began her star trek.

Cindy is now 57 years old and has accomplished all a person could wish for. A whirlwind career on the runway and in the spotlight, millions in royalties, and a happy family with Randy Gerber and two children, Kaya and Presley, who followed in their renowned mother’s footsteps.

Yet not everyone is aware that Crawford’s family includes not just her husband and children, but also her two sisters, Danielle, 54, and Christine, 59.

Cindy also had a younger brother who died at an early age from leukemia. But the model’s remembrance of him lives on in her heart. She also communicates with her sisters. Here’s a family portrait of her posing with Christine, Danielle, and her mother, for example.

Cindy’s sisters have nothing to do with the entertainment industry. Danielle is a teacher at Soda Creek Elementary School in Colorado. Her husband and she have three children. Christine teaches math and computer science. She is currently employed as an adjunct professor at Colorado Community College. She is married and the mother of two sons.

Cindy’s job has not interfered in any way with her good relationship with her family, as all three sisters have repeatedly confirmed. We readily accept Crawford’s assertion that loved ones have always come first.

Despite the fact that some of the star’s subscribers still commented under the family photo that the supermodel looks nothing like her immediate family. Cindy may be mistaken for Kaia Gerber’s sister, the daughter of a supermodel.

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