What the legendary Kurt Cobain’s only daughter looks like now

Frances Bean Cobain is frequently referred to as a rebel in the press. Journalists, on the other hand, do it more out of habit. What else would you expect from the daughter of two rock stars? In actuality, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love’s daughter lives a rather quiet and private life. The girl is rarely seen in public and does not entertain people with her flashy actions. Even the paparazzi found out about Frances’ wedding after a long delay! Nonetheless, the heiress to the rock star money is understandable. Since she was a youngster, Cobain’s daughter has had to deal with the continual attention paid to her father’s name. Yet her mother’s antics, the famed Courtney Love, cost Frances a lot of nerves…
Kurt Cobain’s Daughter: First Scandals
Even before the kid was born, the scandal around Kurt Cobain’s daughter was growing. Courtney gave an interview to enthusiastic writer Lynn Hirshberg a few months before Frances Bean was born. During the interview, the rock singer admitted to dabbling with illegal narcotics a couple times throughout her pregnancy. But as soon as she found out she was pregnant, she quit!
Lynn, on the other hand, twisted Courtney’s statements. The journalist portrayed the rocker as having used illegal narcotics throughout her pregnancy. Kurt and Courtney’s parental rights were nearly revoked as a result of the publishing of the interview with Madame Hirshberg. The musicians maintained their honor and dignity in court for several months. Finally, law enforcement authorities backed down…
A loving father, a peculiar mother
Kurt considered her daughter to be a welcome and treasured child. The musician cheerfully babysat the child, hand-painted the walls of her room, and adored holding Frances in his arms. Unfortunately, the guy died when the little daughter was only a year and eight months old. Frances would later admit that she only vaguely remembered her father, but she mourned him terribly…
Courtney Love and her parents raised the child when Kurt left. Frances, on the other hand, spent more time with her grandparents than with her flashy mother. Courtney was frequently admitted to rehab institutions to get treated for addictions. The mom and her daughter did not get along. Things grew so bad that a very young Frances sued her mother in 2009!

Courtney, according to the child, frequently beat her. Of course, the singer denied everything. The court, however, believed the heiress of Kurt Cobain and stripped her of parental rights, even forbidding her from approaching her daughter! Almost five years after the scandalous trial, Courtney and Frances discovered common ground.
The young millionaire who had inherited 37% of Kurt Cobain’s immense fortune was at a fork in the road. einsteineruploaded with. But the girl let them down. Undoubtedly, the rocker’s daughter had been using illegal drugs for some time, but unlike her parents, she was able to put an end to it once and for all.
The Life of an Heiress
Frances had worked as a musician, model, and artist professionally. The girl eventually became bored with the modeling technique. The stunning beauty did not even attempt to become an actor, despite being given a job by Tim Burton himself! But Frances has been drawing successfully till now. Even the most seasoned critics appreciate Cobain’s heiress’ undeniable skill.
But things aren’t so bright in her personal life. Frances went through a high-profile divorce with musician Isaiah Silva in 2016-2017. The beauty had to pay her ex alimony for the duration of the divorce. Silva allegedly seized Cobain’s famed guitar, which was a gift from his wife, according to Isaiah. Frances was unable to get the instrument.
She now lives a tranquil life, works in the arts, and is involved in various projects in remembrance of her father. Frances has already had a lot of bad experiences at the age of 28. So much for the allegedly tranquil existence of a millionaire’s heiress…