Without a cross, overgrown with moss. What Princess Diana’s final resting place looks like

 Without a cross, overgrown with moss. What Princess Diana’s final resting place looks like

Princess Diana is still one of the most beloved and popular people in the United Kingdom. By the way, many Lady Di enthusiasts are upset that the princess’s final resting place appears abandoned and untended.

The princess is said to be resting on the island of Althorp. Diana’s family like this corner because of the peace and quiet. Lady Di’s final resting place is encircled by 36 trees.

Diana’s monument, on the other hand, has long been overrun with moss. Devoted fans notice:

Diana doesn’t even have a cross.” “She was worthy of more.”

“What a wonderful woman she was”, “Why did the relatives so neglect her last resting place?”, – write users of the Network. Do you think the same as commenters?

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